Development of bipolar disorder from adolescence to adulthood

    Title: Development of bipolar disorder from adolescence to adulthood

    1. Create 10 slides, including references slide – doesn’t need summary slide.
    -Title slide (PTO) – not included in 10 slides
    -2 slides should refer to specific studies
    -1 graph needed, which you have drafted in Excel
    References 6

    2. Content

    A. No outline, contents or agenda slide needed
    B. When presenting a theory, make sure to say what it is in a brief sentence
    c. make sure that the presentation refers to adult development, and not just the disorder in abstract
    D. Cover ONLY the above mental disorder in this presentation
    E. remember the course is adult development and mental health
    F. Don’t make slides just like slides from lectures – show more innovation
    G. Include things that show you have read beyond the lectures and the books (if you want to get a high mark!)

    2. Graphs
    A. Include one graph, it should be self-drafted in Excel
    B. If age is one of the axes, make sure it is x-axis (horizontal), not y-axis (vertical)
    C. Make sure graph has a title above it.
    D. Make sure axes are labelled
    E. Include citation on the slide, to link to the article that the data came from.
    F. Make sure the graph is legible against background – don’t have orange lines on a pink background or similar .

    3. Text and formatting
    A. Have all text as bullets or short separate paragraphs
    B. Avoid long prose paragraphs (e.g. 80 words or more) and slides that are very text heavy
    C. Font – not smaller than 20, or 18 at minimum (except on citations or graph labels)
    D. On content slides, put title at top, not bottom
    E. Avoid slides that look very like ones from the course
    F. If slide has illustrative images in it, don’t use more than 2 on a slide.
    G. Don’t use a colour scheme that is hard to read, e.g. white font on a grey and white background, or red font on dark grey background
    H. Don’t include scanned tables (particularly where a bit blurred) when it is easy to create a table in Powerpoint

    Part 2 Instructions

    Principles for a good slide
    Use graphics and tables to create visual interest on slides
    Use discrete images to make a point or add humour see below

    Use colour to emphasise important words or titles

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