Development Interview Paper

    Interview and write a paper on someone who has five years minimum experience working in the business world and who is a leader and has direct reports so that you can question them on their development and how they develop others. The person can be located anywhere in the world, but the interview must be conducted “face-to-face” in person, or by using Skype or other video conferencing technology.

    The paper should be approximately four pages, double spaced, 12 point font using APA guidelines. Please note, this should be written as a paper and not just listing the questions and the interviewees responses.

    Suggested questions:
    • Before this this paper, you have to know this is about developing bench strength course, this paper have relevant course material.

    1. What is their current position/role?
    2. What competencies did they need to obtain their current position? How did they develop them?
    3. What competencies are they currently working to develop and how are they developing them?
    4. Do they have a development plan? If yes, explain.
    5. Do they have a mentor? If so, how did they find them?
    6. Are they a mentor? If yes, how does the process work?
    7. What has been the most valuable to them in their development?
    8. What are their career goals and how will they develop themselves to achieve?
    9. How do they develop their direct reports?
    10. How and how often do they provide feedback and coaching to direct reports?
    11. Do they receive regular feedback and coaching? If yes, by who and whose feedback is most valuable to them?
    12. Have they ever had 360 feedback? If yes, what was most valuable to them? How did they use the feedback from the 360 to develop?
    13. Do they network, and if so what methods do they use?
    14. What is best development advice they ever received and what is best development advice they would give?
    These questions are suggestions, please feel free to ask anything development related that you feel would be valuable to you to know and apply in your development plan.

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