Development and Empowerment

    Human relations are important for development and empowerment. Development and Empowerment cut across so many aspects of effective leadership. Effective leaders both develop and empower individuals and teams. In order to understand how effective leadership integrates development and empowerment, it is valuable to understand their similarities and differences. Additionally, it is helpful to consider types of leadership authority that most empower others. Chapter 12 in your text explains top-down and bottom-up, the two views of leadership authority.
    To prepare for this assignment:
    Review the assigned pages from Chapter 8 in your course text, The Art of Leadership. Pay particular attention to the two views of leadership authority: servant leadership and participative leadership.
    Review Chapter 9 in your course text, The Art of Leadership. Focus on Table 9–3, Practical Tips for Developing a High-Performance Workplace.
    Review the assigned pages from Chapter 10 in your course text, The Art of Leadership. Pay particular attention to the practical leadership tips presented.
    Review Chapter 16 in your course text, The Art of Leadership, focusing on developing leaders.
    Bring to mind some examples of development and empowerment.
    Think of how development and empowerment are similar and different.
    Select a view of leadership authority that you think would be most likely to empower others.
    (1).Compare (similarities and differences) development and empowerment, and provide at least one specific example of each?
    (2).Explain the conclusions you drew and/or insights you had about development and empowerment based on your comparison?
    (3).Explain a view of leadership authority that you think would be most likely to empower others?
    (4).Explain how and why?
    Course Text: The Art of Leadership
    Chapter 4, “The Importance of Vision and the Motive to Lead”
    Chapter 8, “Leadership Authority”
    Chapter 9, “Empowerment in the Workplace and the Quality Imperative”
    Chapter 10, “Effective Leadership and Human Relations”
    Chapter 16, “The Leader as Coach”
    Chapter 17, “Helping People Through Change and Burnout Prevention”
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