Developing variables

    Developing variables and Creating the First Draft

    Developing Variables and Creating the First Draft

    At this point, you have identified a research topic, developed a research question, proposed at least three hypotheses to evaluate your research question, and have identified at least eight sources to begin research.
    Select your strongest hypothesis which you believe will answer your research question.
    In an effort to answer your research question, create at least three variables (one dependent, two independent) to evaluate the hypothesis. Describe how each of these variables will be measured. (Refer to pages 64-65 in the course text for a review of independent and dependent variables).
    Be sure to use references to support your variable development.
    Having identified the variables and having provided supporting research, you will now develop the first draft of your Final Research Paper.

    Compose a six- to eight-page draft (excluding title page and bibliography), in APA format, that includes the following components:
    Determination of an appropriate hypothesis and description of relevant research
    Identification and description of three variables
    Explanation of how each variable will be appropriately measured
    Remember that Chapters Four and Five of the course text provide extensive overviews on variable formation. Additionally, the Final Research Paper instructions, found in the “Course Grading” section of this Course Guide and in Week Five of the online class, provide an overall format for the research paper’s contents.

    Cite your resources in text and on the reference page. For information regarding APA samples and tutorials, visit the Ashford Writing Center, within the Learning Resources tab on the left navigation toolbar, in your online course.

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