develop the Eden Project

    develop the Eden Project
    problem statment : ” how can eden project redevelop in strategic way ?”

    research Question :
    what are the ways of attracting international visitor to eden project ?
    how can steak holder effect the pr
    oject in positively ?
    what are the enhancement and the adding that help of eden project ?
    how can eden project build a good markting plan ?

    step should follow:

    step 1 : gathering the facts
    – analysis of EP’s strategic capability (with use of appropriate conceptual instruments and models E.g. core competencies and or Kay’s distinctive capabilities
    – Analysis of Ep’s environment (with use of appropriate conceptual instruments and models ) E.g. PESTEL ,market segments and or diffusion S-curve.
    – analysis of EP’s strategic purpose (with use of appropriate conceptual models ) E.g. stakeholder map and/or culture web.
    – at least two of the used models should come from the book key management models by Van Assen,Van dan berg&pietersma.
    – SWOT analysis as a conclusion to the second step .

    step2:alternative courses of action
    – at least 5 possible alternative courses of action identified . courses are clearly linked to analyses in step2
    – the possible 5 alternative courses of action must be evaluated on the basis of Eden project’s mission ,long term goals or short term operational objective.
    – advantages and disadvantages given for each possible alternative course of action.


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