Develop one case study applying and evaluating three of the following analytical tools or processes that you will select Custom Essay

    The growth of one organisation and the demise of another is very much determined by the strategic decisions they make along with many other associated factors. Using and applying the relevant tools and understanding their contribution can be critical to the enabling of any successful enterprise. For submission in December 2013 you are required to develop one case study applying and evaluating three of the following analytical tools or processes that you will select:

    Stakeholder mapping, Cultural web, Strategic drift, VRIN, Five forces, Generic strategies

    In addition you will be required to suggest where the tools or processes have advantages and disadvantages, where they are most effective, how you would mitigate any deficiencies, in essence a comprehensive critique. You will be required to use real events, a real organisation(s) from any sector, any place, any time and a practical approach to the real issues that occur within the associated industries to illustrate and underpin your opinions, observations and thoughts.

    General Assessment Considerations
    Aside from the basic considerations of legibility, structure and presentation, emphasis in assessing your written work at final degree level will be placed on your demonstration of:

    1. Evidence of research, information gathering, understanding and opinion.
    2. A critical theoretical evaluation of the models used during the process.
    3. A structured framework for your evaluation and a clear and coherent approach to communicating your ideas.

    Specific Learning Outcomes of Assignment
    1 Students will develop and demonstrate an understanding of the, frameworks and techniques of developing corporate strategy and will appreciate the importance of the interdependent elements of the strategic management process.
    2 They will be able to demonstrate an understanding of the issues relating to the nature of competitive advantage
    3 Students will have learned the value of critical appraisal of the relevance and use of analytical models and techniques as an aid to strategy formulation.
    4 Through independent study, they will have demonstrated an ability to engage in research and investigation

    Transferable Skills and Attributes
    Application of theoretical models to current organisation
    Research and Independent study

    Assessment Criteria
    1. Concepts, models and theories
    Engagement with relevant theory-
    Demonstration of knowledge and application of theory in context.
    Adequacy of coverage
    Systematic analysis of the identified issues
    Displays topic familiarity
    Logically organised
    References to chosen organisation and operational processes throughout

    2. Evidence of additional appropriate research
    Literature references display investigative breadth and depth
    Contemporary information is utilised
    Evidences debates with theoretical underpinnings 40

    3. Style and clarity
    Appropriate format
    Reader-friendly layout
    Appropriate use of language-

    Business Strategy Review (e-library)
    Strategy and Business magazine (Internet)
    Harvard Business Review (e-library and Internet)
    Journal of Strategic Management (e-library)
    Exploring Strategy (e-library and Internet)
    This essay is to be based on BP p.l.c (British petrol). Please remember to use 3 of the six tools above:
    Stakeholder mapping, Cultural web, Strategic drift, VRIN, Five forces, Generic strategies.
    The 3 chosen tools have to be linked to the BP company. This essey has to be more focused on critical analasis rather then theoretical. Also how the company copes with the 3 chosen tools. You have 3 tools to choose so if you write about tool you must criticaly analise this tool before you move on to another tool. Please reffer to the books i have sent you and all the information you find on the internet about the BP company has to be mentioned in the refferences.

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