develop an essay responding to one of the topics below.

    develop an essay responding to one of the topics below.

    English and Literature

    Paper instructions:
    1. Analyze the ways in which Skloot’s style exemplifies the writer’s rule of “show, don’t tell” as she develops the characters of Henrietta, Deborah, George Gey, or other key figures in the book. In your analysis, make sure to reference specific revealing passages. When refering to those passages, please place the quoted information in quotation marks.

    2. Consider Deborah’s comment on page 276: “Like I’m always telling my brothers, if you gonna go into history, you can’t do it with a hate attitude. You got to remember, times was different.” How does cultural perspective influence the way history is recorded, taught, and studied? Why is it important to approach history from an objective point of view? Why is this approach sometimes difficult?
    3. Skloot begins the book with the following quote from Elie Wiesel: “We must not see any person as an abstraction. Instead, we must see in every person a universe with its own secrets, with its own treasures, with its own sources of anguish, and with some measure of triumph.” Analyze the book in light of this quote. Explain the various ways in which both the scientific community and the media are guilty of having viewed Henrietta and her family as abstraction.

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