Destination Management

    Destination Management

    Assignment Task:

    1. Select a city from anywhere in the world to use as a case study for this assessment. The destination you choose MUST be a city (e.g., Brisbane), NOT a region (Southeast Queensland), and NOT a country (Australia).

    2. Briefly describe the emergence of destination development and why it is considered an expression of sustainable/responsible tourism development. (Approx. 200 words).

    3. Each week in the lectures you should consider the concepts that you are presented with and relate how these theories apply to the destination you have chosen for your assignment. You should not describe these theories, concepts, or approaches to destination management, but rather, explain how these relate to the destination you have chosen as your case study. As a guide you should use the following headings to structure your assignment:

    a. Stage of development
    b. Approach to destination management
    c. System of governance
    d. Research undertakings/application of research
    e. Tourism Policy & Planning
    f. Stakeholders
    g. Forms of Tourism
    h. Application of sustainability indicators (social, economic, & environmental)
    i. Competition and collaboration
    j. Destination Marketing
    k. Tourism Trends

    This is a critical thinking task and is where you must demonstrate your ability to apply theories, concepts, and approaches to destination development to a real world setting.
    4. Reflecting on what you addressed in the tasks above, summarise the potential (opportunities) for tourism to deliver sustainable/responsible destination development and, in line with global trends, identify constraints that will present the greatest challenges in realising the ideals of sustainability. What processes would you suggest to best overcome these challenges, and why?
    5. Present a brief conclusion.

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