destination management

    destination management

    1. From the viewpoint of a destination management perspective critically identifies key issues from each weekly Chapter & Lecture

    2. lncorporates relevant theoretical constructs, concepts, frameworks and models in critical refiections.
    3. Includes a personal

    learning reflection in weekly entries.

    4. Nature and quality of summary.

    use this four steps to explain the following points.


    the elements ofthe basic model of communications.

    Define integrated marketing communications and explain the benefits that DMOs derive

    by following this approach.

    Identify and elaborate upon each ofthe major components ofintegrated marketing communications.


    the importance and roles of advertising in promoting a destination.

    Describe how personal selling is essential for DMOs in securing

    business from specific market segments and identify the roles of personal selling in destination marketing.
    Review why public relations

    and publicity are required for a DMO to build and maintain relationships with its multiple publics.

    ldentify DMOs’ internal and

    external publics.

    oint out the roles played by sales promotion and merchandising for DMOs.

    Describe the different sales promotion

    and merchandising techniques.

    Identify the main digital marketing techniques and venues.

    Explain the concept of crowdsourcing and

    the different ways that this concept can be applied in destination integrated marketing communications.
    Elaborate on the relationship

    between movies and films and destination marketing and development.

    Reviewthe concept oftheme and event years as a basis for DMO

    integrated marketing communications.

    Discuss the steps involved in the planning, implementation, and evaluation of an IMC campaign.



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