Describe your company

    Describe your company

    Write a 6-page paper in which you address the following topics: 

    1.Describe your company “BMW” and its major products or services from economic perspectives using terms and concepts learned in this course. Include such aspects as: 

    a. Market sector and industry 

    b. Market structure—pure competition, monopoly, monopsony, or oligopoly 

    c. Major products and/or services 

    d. Elasticity and the factors that affect their supply and demand 

    e. Other economic characteristics, such as utility, type of good, etc.

    f. Noneconomic forces that impact sales and profitability, such as weather, business cycles, technology releases, or regulations.

    2.Analyze your industry using Porter’s “Five Forces” framework. 

    a. Classify each force as weak, strong, or neutral? 

    b. Why did you choose that classification?

    c. How can your company best leverage this information? 

    3.Present information on pricing practices—basic and discriminatory. 

    a. What are the more common pricing practices utilized by your company and/or within its industry? 

    b. What types of discrimination options are not being used, but could be implemented?

    4.Evaluate your company’s short-term and long-term economic outlooks. 

    a. Macroeconomic drivers—Using GUIDES, choose one indicator that poses the greatest external concern and one indicator that poses a reassurance. Explain why. 

    b. Given the above investigation into your company and its industry, what type of outlook (favorable/unfavorable) can your investors expect over the short-term (5- 7 years) horizon? 

    c. What type of outlook (favorable/unfavorable) can investors expect over the long-term (8+ years) horizon? 


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