Describe the transition from one-party Democratic control to two-party competition in Texas

    Answer two of the following in well-developed essays. Your essays should
    incorporate lecture material, any assigned reading, and your own ideas; and should
    demonstrate thoughtful analysis and critical thinking.
    1. Describe the transition from one-party Democratic control to two-party competition in Texas.
    Be sure to include economic, social, and political changes that have led to this transition. Do you
    think that Texas is now a one-party Republican state? Why or why not?
    2. Explain the reasons for the traditional low voter turnout in Texas. What factors contribute to
    keeping voters from the polls? Do you vote? If you do why do you vote, if you don�t why don�t
    you vote? You ought to refer to the new Voter ID legislation.
    3. Discuss the impact of the Raza Unida Party in Texas
    4. Describe what a colonia is. What are the main problems facing colonia residents and how can
    they be remedied?
    5. Give an overview of human trafficking in Texas. What is the state doing to prevent
    trafficking? How effective are the policies
    6. Texas is a �right to work� state and an �at will� state. Discuss the implications this has for
    workers in Texas.
    7. Discuss the plight of construction workers in Texas, how does Texas compare to other states?
    What policies should be implemented to protect construction workers in Texas.

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