Describe the nature and all dimensions of the three ethical issues

    • Read the case study provided and identify all three of the ethical dilemmas presented.
    • Describe the nature and all dimensions of the three ethical issues.
    • Identify the ethical code numbers and definitions of each issue presented using both the APA and ACA codes.
    • Discuss alternative courses of action that could be taken by the counselor to rectify each dilemma.
    • Describe the implications of each alternative action; lay out the limitations and advantages of each alternative considered.
    • Choose one course of action and provide a justification for this selection.
    • Describe the ethical decision-making model (from your course materials) you used throughout the process to arrive at a final decision (i.e., Forrester-Miller and Davis). Make sure you outline each step.
    You will be graded on the process you used to arrive at your recommendations and the reasoning behind picking a specific recommendation (and not the actual recommendation itself).
    You should utilize and cite at least two peer-reviewed journal articles to include in your research.
    The body of the paper should be no less than 5 pages in length. Your paper should be double-spaced, in 12 point Times New Roman font, with normal 1-inch margins, written in APA style, and free of typographical and grammatical errors. It should include a title page with a running head, an abstract, and a reference page.
    Save the paper as AU_PSY430_M3_A2_LastName_FirstInitial.doc and submit it to the M3 Assignment 2 LASA 1 Dropbox by Wednesday, January 22, 2014.

    Case Study
    James is a community counseling student who is inte
    rning with the College Counseling Center at the
    local university. James is a 25 year-old Caucasian
    male, who attended a private high school in a small
    rural town. In terms of being a counselor, James ad
    mits that one of his challenges is that he has not
    experienced much diversity in his relationships. He
    states that this is not a significant issue becaus
    e he
    plans on opening a private practice in his hometown
    as soon as he graduates. Since he “knows the town”
    he doesn’t feel that this is a big deal. Also, in t
    erms of finding clients, James states that
    he is sure he will
    be able to get referrals because his father works f
    or the town newspaper and will run an ad as soon as
    moves home.
    James admits he has no clinical experience but is p
    leased, upon arriving at his internship site, to se
    e that
    his ex-girlfriend is going to be his assigned clini
    cal supervisor. Since they have not seen each other
    years, James figures that meeting once a week will
    give them a good opportunity to catch up on “old
    times”. James also figures that
    she could continue to supervise him in private prac
    tice until he receives his
    license. James is relieved because he knows she won
    ’t mind, since he will be graduating in nine months
    if he puts her credential, Licensed Professional Co
    unselor, after his name since she is supervising hi
    After discussing private practice, James asks his e
    x-girlfriend if he can begin to see clients right a
    because he is anxious to get experience and begin w
    orking on his practice. Since she figured he would
    a pretty good counselor, she agreed and paired him
    up with Lisa, a 21 year-old Latina female.
    During the first session, James was running late an
    d was unable to fully cover all of the intake
    documents with Lisa. He put them aside and said, “W
    e don’t really need to
    review these. It is just
    paperwork required by the Center. Please sign here.
    ” As the counseling session continued, James
    thought he might have recognized symptoms associate
    d with depression including decreased motivation,
    loss of appetite and overall dissatisfaction. He th
    ought about bringing these up with his supervisor b
    forgot once he left the session.
    James continued to meet with Lisa. The first few se
    ssions focused mainly on her recent break-up with h
    boyfriend and the resulting academic difficulties.
    She was very concerned that her career dream of
    becoming a lawyer may be in jeopardy.
    In the third session, Lisa casually mentioned that
    she began to experience depressive symptoms as a
    child when her mother’s partner began to physically
    abuse her at the age of 5½ years. Lisa told her
    mother about the abuse, but she did not intervene.
    Shortly after the physical abuse began, the man
    began to also sexually abuse her. Once again, Lisa
    reported this to her mother and also to a teacher a
    her school, but nothing was ever done. Lisa reporte
    d that when she was 7, she placed an unknown
    prescription medication of her mother’s into this m
    an’s alcoholic drink. Later that same day, the man
    experienced a stroke and was rushed to the hospital
    where he later died. Lisa also reported learning t
    her mother’s partner’s stroke and subsequent death
    were related to the combination of prescription
    medication and alcohol. The client has never told a
    nyone other than James that she had placed
    medication in this man’s drink.

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