Describe the evidence for discriminant validity –

    * Describe the evidence for discriminant validity —

    * Describe the evidence for convergent validity

    (These types of validity are defined in Chapter 6 of your text.)

    FIGURE 3

    * Interpret the information in Figure 3 —

    * Describe how the information in Figure 3 relates to the validity

    of the scale

    I have attached some of the materials needed to complete the assignment. However, “Chapter 6 of Psychological Testing and Assessent; An Introduction to
    Tests and Measurement (7th edition)” is needed to complete this assignment. Please verify you have access to that particular material, as I am unable to
    attach it here due to restrictions. If you do not have access to “Chapter 6 of Psychological Testing and Assessent; An Introduction to Tests and
    Measurement (7th edition)”, you will not be able to complete the assignment. Please verify you can get access to the needed chapter, prior accepting this
    homework post.

    I will need the assignment completed no later than Saturday, January 11, 2013. The assignment must be in Powerpoint format. Please provide 2-3 slides for
    each section (2-3 slides for Validitidy and 2-3 slides for Figure 3), inlcuding speakersnotes.

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