Describe sources of organizational conflict and how to work through conflict?

    Q – 1: Describe sources of organizational conflict and how to work through conflict?

    Answer: There are numerous sources of conflicts, which usually depends upon the parties involved in certain scenarios or circumstances for example, in a working environment people usually gets into conflicting roles due to the ambiguity in their job descriptions and predefined roles, while in other casual scenarios and day to day dealings people usually get into a conflict due to conflicting personalities of the parties, poor communication among the parties, opposing interests and personal problems (Gawerc, 2013). In order to reduce the impact of organizational conflicts upon the parties and the surrounding stakeholders, it is necessary to arrange an informal discussion or online communication session among the parties and with independent evaluators without disclosing the personalities of the parties to that exercise. So that each party to the conflict can express their grievances without any fare of disclosure of personalities to each other, while their personalities shall be secretly known to the evaluators for reaching a resolution among the conflicting parties (Suler, 2001). After understanding the position of each party, the evaluators should conduct independent discussion sessions with both the parties and try to resolve the matter through logical persuasion and explanation of their individual position.

    Q-2: How does the Internet affect conflict?

    Answer: The internet is a visionary world, where everyone is considered as equal because irrespective of one’s socio-economic background and ethnicity, he/she can share his thoughts and resources with any other unknown person without any centralized control. With this type of structure, the internet is sometime proven as a good medium of communication, but majority of the times it give birth to a conflicting situation among the parties to a communication and even within the state of the mind of an individual communicator, using internet as source of communication (Suler, 2001). This is because of the fact that it is unable to represents a person’s inner personality and originality in front of the audiences, due to which the person is continuously fighting with his inner state and personality, which ultimately give rise to a conflict among the personalities they adopted over the internet and their inner original personalities. However, sometime people comment that they are more likely representing their true self in a cyberspace, however, if the personality of an individual is categorized into different layers, then their inner self comes at the lower bottom of these layers, which in turn makes their role a bit conflicting because for reaching to the inner identity they might lost their selves in the fake roles in their everyday social interactions over the internet (Suler, 2001).

    Q – 3: What is Online Disinhibition?

    Answer: The term online disinhibition refers to the effect that enables an individual to forget about the social restrictions and consciousness of actions or inhibition that exists in the face-to-face interactions. For example, people who shy or show anger in the real world face to face communication may move towards the cyberspace, which allow them to hide their real personality and exhibit an artificial personality by become disinhibited over the internet. However, only looking into the online disinhibition may cause a person to overlook the most important psychological experiences, which give rise to the polarization between the inhibition and disinhibition and these experiences are referred to as “the self boundary” (Suler, 2001). It is actually the thoughts that surrounds what is me and what is not me, which mean that the person in the state of online disinhibition is suffering from a serious confusion regarding his role and personality therefore, he/she is quite confused about his internal thoughts, memories and feelings and what exists in his appearances, which he shows to the outside world or in interaction with online communities (Suler, 2001). However, the adaptation of disinhibition or inhibition varies from person to person because most of the time people do not like to hide their personalities irrespective of whether they are in an online or face-to face interaction.


    Suler, J. (2001). The online disinhibition effect. International Journal Of Applied Psychoanalytic Studies, 2(2), 184-188.

    Gawerc, M. (2013). Research Note: Integrative Ties as an Approach to Managing Organizational Conflict. Conflict Resolution Quarterly, 31(2), 219-225.


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