Describe how an interdisciplinary perspective can be useful for addressing the theme of the course.

    At the end of the quarter you will submit a 1,000‐word reflection paper on all the seminars and events you attended this quarter. You need to address three things specifically:

    1. Describe how an interdisciplinary perspective can be useful for addressing the theme of the course.
    2. From a personal perspective, describe what you gained from the overall experience of attending the events.
    3. At the end, suggest a potential speaker for a future IAS Seminar, including contact information and a brief description of the speaker’s background. This can be a speaker you heard at one of your outside events, or someone else you think would be of interest to the UWT community in general.

    -seminar reflection paper, please don’t quote any online sources

    -theme of the course: history/shaping of Tacoma

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