Describe a circumstance, obstacle or conflict in your life, and the skills and resources you used to resolve it. Did it change you? If so, how? Custom Essay

    When I was five years old, I was diagnosed with nephrotic syndrome, a disease that systematically disrupts

    and shuts down your kidneys and bladder and leads to high cholesterol, swelling, and low blood protein

    levels. I woke up one morning and my face was swollen. I was taken to the hospital, admitted immediately, and

    diagnosed with nephrotic syndrome. I had to have emergency surgery, and the only surgeon who specialized in

    nephrotic syndrome happened to be in Austin, Texas at the time of my illness.For the next year I took strong

    medication to help fight the disease and had to have my blood drawn every week, much to my dismay, for the

    duration of my treatment. The medication I took included steroids and chemo-therapy. My body became dependent

    on the steroids, so I had to take chemo to help gain my body’s natural function back. I’m sure my brother

    didn’t complain either, as I would use my new steroid based strength against him quite often.

    After surgery, the doctors urged me to adopt a healthier lifestyle which included a healthier diet and more

    physical activity.

    To this day I still play sports, still eat healthy foods, limit my junk food intake, and work out almost

    every day.

    The adjustment to chemo, steroids, blood work, and an entirely new lifestyle was hard, but it definitely paid

    off in the end as I have been blessed to be healthy and strong ever since.

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