Depth Psychology

    The term ?Depth Psychology? evokes many associations and images yet is often difficult to define.

    Part 1:
    Begin the paper with a fantasy encounter with someone who asks you what are you studying in your PhD program.
    They have no knowledge of the field of Depth Psychology. You should write a one page answer to that question
    that is rich and true to your own knowledge and experience, discussing the idea of the unconscious, the
    relationship between mythology and Depth Psychology, the relationship between healing traditions and Depth
    Psychology, and the idea of the Self and what we mean by the Psyche.

    Part 2:
    Write a well-researched commentary on that one page. Include in your commentary at least three clearly
    described psychological ideas, theories, or theorists such as Freud, Jung, Campbell, and Hillman. Be sure to
    include a reflection on cultural diversity as it pertains to some aspect of what is covered in your
    commentary. You may draw richly from your own reflective work however you must reference your work citing at
    least 8 books or articles.
    The paper should demonstrate a thorough and accurate understanding of the theories and their underlying
    philosophical assumptions. The paper should also engage in original critical interpretation, not only of the
    cultural phenomena under investigation but, of the value of Hillman?s work as well. It should reflect a Ph.D
    level of academic writing, research, content, and understanding.
    Part 2 of the paper is 12 pages, excluding Part 1, the cover page and the references page.



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