Define and describe Herbert Packer’s Crime Control Model and Due Process Model, Law homework help

    According to Chapter Two in your text, define and describe Herbert Packer’s Crime Control Model and Due Process Model. Then, go to the website and read the case brief for Brewer v. Williams (1977). Explain the facts of this case and describe why it is considered an example of “the excesses of the due process model.” Next, go the the website and read the case brief for Brown v. Mississippi (1936). Explain the facts of this case and describe why it is considered an example of “the excesses of the crime control model.” Finally, explain why the case Nix v. Williams (1984) is described as the “Golden Mean” (this is discussed in your textbook) between the crime control and due process models. Please explain in detail your answers. Your paper must be at least 400 words in length (400 is considered “average” for grading purposes.

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