Decision Making Strategies

    Decision Making Strategies

    Style of making decisions
    ? Cautious or Risk taking
    ? Intuitive or Logical
    ? Influenced by others or Self Motivated
    ? Feeling/emotional or Rational
    ? Passive or active
    ? Quiet or assertive

    Negative Decision Making Strategies
    ? Impulsive
    ? Compliant
    ? Delaying
    ? Fatalistic
    ? Agonize
    ? Paralytic

    A Positive Strategy: Rational/Linear Model
    ? 1. Define the goal
    ? 2. Assess Alternatives
    ? 3. Gather Information
    ? 4. Assess Consequences
    ? 5. Establish a Plan of Action

    Influential Factors
    ? Values
    ? Risks
    ? Objectivity

    Influential Factors
    ? Family Expectations
    ? Family Responsibilities
    ? Cultural Aspects
    ? Lack of self-confidence
    ? Fear of Change
    ? Fear of making a wrong decision

    Obstacles getting in the way of making decisions
    ? What are my assumptions about decisions?

    ? What are my feelings about making a decision?

    ? How am I causing my indecision?

    Scenario Rehearsal
    ? Your Choice
    ? Best Outcome
    ? Worst Outcome
    ? Most Likely Outcome

    Episode 19


    Video Number:

    This form is a guide to help you with your response to the video. You must use this form and include the questions with your answers immediately below the question. You must put your name and video number in the space provided above. The answers to the questions should be at least one paragraph (more if you like) but at least 4 sentences (approximately 125 words per topic answer). The answers to questions must address all elements of the question.
    1. What was the title of the video we watched? What was the topic of the video we watched? Discuss the topic and how the content applies to you and your self-exploration (career and education exploration).

    2. What did any of the presenters say that was of particular interest or seemed particularly insightful as it applies to you? Discuss how this applies to you and your self-exploration (career and education exploration).

    3. What was the ?Hot Tip? of today?s video as discussed by Patrick Combs? Discuss how this ?Hot Tip? can be of particular use to you in your self-exploration (career and education exploration).

    4. Discuss your results of the in-class exercise during the video. How can the results of this exercise be of use to you in your self-exploration (career and education exploration)?




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