Death of a Salesman

    Death of a Salesman


    The following points about Death of a Salesman have been raised by drama critics over the years. Answer one of the following questions in an 1essay form (a, b, or c – 2 pages)
    And the others questions(2-5) in paragraph form. Be sure to use direct evidence from the play to support your ideas.
    (a) Is Death of a Salesman a tragedy and Willy Loman a tragic hero, or is his death merely the pathetic demise of a small man? (Must a tragedy involve a great individual?)
    (b) The dialogue of the play relies heavily on common speech, full of clichés and slang. Does the language detract from or enhance the character and theme? Defend your answer.
    (c) What does the play say about this country’s system of free enterprise and competition? (Consider the effects of money and the economic system on the characters of Willy, Biff, Happy, and Bernard as you work on the answer.)
    2. Personal interaction operates on two levels in the play, on within the Loman family and one between the Loman’s and the larger society. Which one level is Death of a Salesman most effective — as a depiction of family conflicts or as a social commentary? Explain.
    3. Define "The American Dream." In what way does Death of a Salesman point out the hopelessness of chasing this dream? Are there any rewards?
    4. Toward the end of the play, Biff claims that "we never told the truth for ten minutes in this house." Do you agree or disagree? Support.
    5. What does Death of a Salesman show about the role of a person like Willy in the society of today?


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