Death of a Salesman — essay 2) Oedipus — essay 3) Vanya on 42nd Street

    Death of a Salesman — no reference to the movie, the performances, the style, of in any way how the movie interpreted the play, and how you felt about the movie. It’s writtten as though you weren’t in class for that part, so you looked up the play on the Internet and went from there. I’m not saying that’s what you did, but it reads as though you could have.

    Oedipus — well argued review of a film, but it wasn’t the film we watched in class, which was directed by Tyrone Guthrie and did not star Christopher Plumber or feature any of the actors you mention — all the actors are different. Again, it leads me to believe that you were not present in the actual class, or at least not paying attention.

    Everyman — okay

    Tartuffe — Who directed the film that you refer to. What did the costumes look like that you refer to? You talk in such huge generalities, it makes sense in a very general way, but there are so few specifics, I’m don’t know which version of the play you’re reviewing.

    Fences — We never discussed this in class, though it was on the syllabus. I removed it from the exam. What is it doing there?

    Uncle Vanya — you say the movie was directed by Stanislavski Konstantin — he actually directed Chekhov’s plays in Russia at the end of the 19th century. We watched the film. “Vanya on 42nd Street” we saw was directed by Louis Malle, based on Andres Gregory’s 1990s Broadway production. There was an entire contemporary “frame” (example there’s a director of the play, Andres Gregory, who explains to a visitor what he’s doing in this “rehearsal”) with modern dress mixed with period dress that you make no reference to, leading me to believe that, again, either you weren’t there or you weren’t paying attention. You write as though we watched a totally traditional version of the play, which we didn’t.

    As of now, this is not passing work. What can you do to earn a C:

    1) You can find Death of a Salesman starring Dustin Hoffman and John Malkovich on Google. Please review the film, citing the director’s interpretation of the original play, and how you respond to it.

    2) Please watch the correct film of Oedipus. You can find it on YouTube. Find the version directed by Tyrone Guthrie. Please review the version we watched in class.

    3) Please rent “Vanya on 42nd Street” directed by Louis Malle on Amazon Instant Video. It will cost you about $3.99, and write a review based on how Malle interpreted Chekov’s play.

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