Dear students welcome to our class. I just have a couple of important announceme

    Dear students welcome to our class. I just have a couple of important announcements.First when you submit your assessment and case study keep in mind that you get your reference format correct. You have to include your references both in the text and at the end of your answer. This is very important because reference accounts for 20% of your grade for each question.Second keep in mind that youSHOULDNOT plagiarize. I am not just talking about stealing other peoples idea or answer but also talking about copying and pasting other sources significantly ( more than 6 words). Keep in mind that the act of copying and pasting other sources ( more than 6 words) is considered plagiarism although you cite them. I can easily detect those for whichthere will be no credit.The best way you can avoid this problem is to paraphrase everything.Thank you very much and I hope you enjoy this course.apa formatMcEachern W. A. (2012). ECON Micro 3 (3rd ed.). Mason OH: South-Western.

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