

    College High School Part b Formula
    448 552 College High School
    480 432 Mean ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A
    656 528
    624 588 Difference Between the Means ERROR:#N/A
    448 408
    592 504 Part c
    656 408 After reading these instructions delete all text in this shaded area.
    672 384
    624 456 Use the XLMiner Analysis ToolPak to conduct your t-Test analysis.
    640 408
    512 492 After deleting all text in this shaded area, set the output range in
    560 540 the ToolPak to the top left cell of this area (D8).
    672 Your t-Test output should fit into this shaded area.
    Part d
    Significance Level (Alpha) 0.05
    Can we reject the null hypothesis? ERROR:#N/A
    (Enter "Can" or "Cannot")

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