Data Analysis

    1. A sampling plan for your study to address the research question DOES JUVENILE ADDICTION LEAD TO LIFELONG

    CRIMINAL BEHAVIOR outline clearly your study’s-
    a. target population
    b. sampling frame
    c. sample
    2. A recruitment strategy for enlisting participation prospective research subjects in your study.


    It is a fact that drug abuse is a social problem that affects our community as whole if not a large part of it.
    Not only does it result to crimes but also to the well-being of the users but also to the people around them.
    National and international research suggests that drug use is as equally entangled within the dynamics of
    juvenile crime as with adult crime (Prichard and Payne, 2005).Four of every five children and teen arrestees in
    state juvenile justice systems are under the influence of alcohol or drugs while committing their crimes, test
    positive for drugs, are arrested for committing an alcohol or drug offense, admit having substance abuse and
    addiction problems, or share some combination of these characteristics, according to a new report released by
    The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University. (CASA, November 13, 2010) The New
    York University and the Chicago studies on drug addiction support the notion that drug addiction necessarily
    leads to predatory crime as a way of life. A Chicago study comes to a similar conclusion: “… Almost without
    exception addicts resort to theft to obtain money for the purchase of the drugs (Joint Committee of the American
    Bar Association and the American Medical Association on Narcotic Drugs).In Los Angeles, USA, 35% of
    methamphetamine users aged 18-25 years old were found to have committed violence while under the influence of
    the drug (Atkinson et al., 2009). Based on the information, the most alarming amongst this crime is the
    pervading involvement of youths in drug addiction. This situation deserves to be seriously dealt by authorities
    and families as the growing number of juvenile delinquents and their behaviors sadly reflect a grim future if
    they are to assume the role as leaders of their respective families, communities and nation age (US Census
    Bureau, 2012).

    The result of the study would be to help answer the curiosity of “Does extensive use of mind/mood
    alternating substance on a developing brain result in long term negative behaviors”. Moreover, Does juvenile
    addition lead to lifelong criminality.
    The focus of the study would consist of population samples from detention facilities and rehabilitation

    Consisting of two core concepts (at minimum)

    Drug Addiction and Criminal Behavior


    The study is feasible, however due to possible ethics violations involving human experimentation, the
    study would be purely observational. A population sample would be easily attained but relies heavily on
    truthful responses of the sample population.
    Sample interview guide:
    Please fill out…
    Age: ___Sex: ___ Race: _________Area/Location: ______________________

    Check all that apply
    [ ] Full time Student [ ] Part time Student [ ] Full time Employee [ ] Part time Employee [ ] Detained
    [ ] Parole[ ] Rehabilitation Facility

    What age did you first start drinking and or drugs: ___________________
    Frequency of drug use:__________________________________________
    Type, (please check all that apply):
    [ ] N/A [ ] Marijuana [ ] LSD [ ] Synthetic Drugs
    [ ] Beer [ ] Meth [ ] Mushrooms [ ] Inhalants
    [ ] Hard Liquor [ ] PCP [ ] Cocaine [ ] Other
    [ ] Wine [ ] Prescription Drugs [ ] Crack

    Where there any gaps in use, if so how long:_________________________
    Do you still drink and or do drugs, if so, what:________________________
    What made you stop, (please check all that apply):
    [ ] N/A [ ] Marriage
    [ ] Family [ ] Voluntary Rehabilitation
    [ ] Religion [ ] Permanent job
    [ ] Government intervention [ ] Other: _______________________

    History of delinquency and detention:
    Age when first detained: _________
    How many times have you been sentenced to detention since then: _____
    At what ages, for what offense (please try to recall all
    Did you ever an offence without being detected: ____________
    If yes, what was the
    For those who are aren’t detained:
    When was your last detention ______________For what offence?____________________
    What made you stop, ( check all that apply):
    [ ] N/A [ ] Marriage
    [ ] Family [ ] Voluntary Rehabilitation
    [ ] Religion [ ] Permanent job
    [ ] Government intervention [ ] Other: _______________________



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