hat is the title?
Who is/are the main artist(s) featured?
Who are the collaborators, if any, and how did they collaborate? For instance, Merce Cunningham collaborated for about fifty years with musician/composer John Cage.
Based on what you see, what do you think are the salient features of this artist’s technique and movement vocabulary?
What are some interesting features of their process? What process(es) do they use? What kinds of questions do they ask? Do they look to subject matter for inspiration? If not, where do they look?
Are there any facts or features of this person(s) life or the historical context in which they are working that you find interesting?
Is there anything you did not understand? Did this work raise any questions for you or inspire you in any way?
How would you rate this video in a 4-star rating? What would your rating be based on?
My note I show below.
The Man who danced
Male group—8 man
Ted shawn—company—man dancers
Changed audidsence ways to see man dance
Throught these years—still them—hard work
Against man dancing—little opportunity to dance
Real battle to establish—the right of choosing—college man and athelets
Marvelous personality—TED
Several dancers—one complete –of just man dancer
Success—man and perfessional dance
Minister====theropy—life long passion—
Storming—fighting for center stage
In depression—Purchase a farm—Jacob’s pillow—remodeling the studio—
Serve tea
Affinity for people that have business with them at begin
Only one prior dancer—baron mumaw—can do something Shawn couldn’t
Spirt of American dance is passed on from one generation to one generation
Try to reproduce what happened—whole expierence remarkable for him
Close to the earth—labor outside—inside dance
With planting—digging—greatest power
Travel lots of places and dance in all circumstances
Own lighting—