Cyberbullyin Louisiana Public Schools

    The methodology section should show the methods that you need to follow to address research questions and the corresponding hypotheses. The research questions are based on the research objectives. Your methodology section has to have clear or specific research objectives and hypotheses. Also, i am going to use: questionnaire, interviews and observations and focus groups. The target sample and its size (you need to do power and sample size calculations to determine the required sample size) must be well defined. This has to be a major section in the methodology.
    In addition, the questions of your questionnaire should be displayed in the and should be included in the appendix. A validated questionnaire that you will be using to collect the quantitative data? The same applies to the qualitative data. It needs to have an instrument that will be using, such as semi structured interviews using open ended questions. The questionnaire needs to be constructed in a way to get the required operational variables that will be analyzed to test the research questions and hypotheses. We need to identify the exact variables to be measured (dependent and independent variables), these variables must be defined in the current methodology draft.
    You need to mention the type of experimental design being used such as mixed design which includes both qualitative and quantitative.must be clear in the methodology. . For the data analysis section, rewrite each research question and then explain how you will collect and use the data for each question.

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