Curriculum Report

    The report will focus on teaching and learners and document practice in Childcare with accompanying reflective annotations and commentary with particular emphasis on child development and learning of children 3-5 years in each of the developmental domains.
    • Focus on 3-5 year old children.
    • Based on open-ended play experiences in Childcare.
    • Explanation of how experiences & strategies supported children’s development.
    • All developmental domains included (physical, social, emotional, cognitive and language).
    • Evidence of critical reflection and evaluation.
    • Minimum of 5 references to appropriate literature to support your experiences and strategies.
    • Written in a report format using Harvard referencing and 1 ½ or 2 line spacing.

    *Demonstrates critical reflection and evaluation of teaching practice, strategies and self-learning.

    *Analytical and reflective discussion of five learning experiences.

    *Links made to readings & texts throughout report.

    Reports Criteria:
    write five lesson plans/experience plans for 3-5 year old children, the plans need to support children’s development and learning (must include,physical,cognitive,language,
    social and emotional developmental domains and VEYLDF outcomes)( five lesson plans can be done in any format).

    There are four headings in the report
    1. Introduction – 50 words 10%
    brief and to the point

    2. Explanation of how the experience and your strategies assist/support children’s learning
    ( be specific) 600-650 words 30%
    the five planned experiences supported children’s development and learning (must include, physical ,cognitive, language, social & emotional developmental domains and links to VEYLDF outcomes.
    eg: What did you say and do? What did it specific helped children’s learning? must use subheadings
    such as:experience 1…..
    experience 2…. etc.
    It needs to be very specific.

    3. Critical reflection 750- 800 words 50% (It’s the most important part of the report,it takes 50% mark)

    it must include reflection & evaluation of teaching practice strategies ( in context of the early childhood settings)
    eg; What did you learn as a teacher? Did you get frustrated? How can you do differently? What makes you work?

    4. Conclusion – 50 words 10%
    Drawing together information in the report.

    5. Reference- textbooks & journal articles only (Harvard style)

    6. Appendices
    Five lesson plans/experiences plans clearly labelled and included as appendices at the end of report.

    Note:Total 1500 words( not include five lesson plans)
    Five lesson plans/experiences plans clearly labelled and included as appendices at the end of report.

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