Culture, Organizations and technology

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    For this order;
    1. Read the attached articles.
    2. View some of the ongoing responses (attached)
    3. Aside from the attached reading materials, Questions 1&2 are also related to some current events happening around the US, such as the Lax shooting this past weekend, and the news about intelligence spying on other foreign countries.
    4. Write your response for each of the following questions listed below.
    5. Make sure you answer each question fully from your point of view and according to what you have read. No need to cite outside resources.
    6. Make sure you label question 1 response, question 2 response etc., on your essay.
    7. Your response should be cohesive. Leave no gap for criticism. Have No grammatical errors.
    Class 11 – Topic – Ethics & Technology Privacy
    This week’s topic is one we see in the news every day so we have decided to pose one question from the readings this week and one question about recent news events we should all be familiar with.
    1) In the James H. Moor article he talks about the ethical issues in trusting a “computer’s invisible calculations” and the “invisibility factor.” Thinking of current and future technologies when do you not want to take the chance of an “invisible miscalculation.” Examples we felt that would be particularly frightening would be unmanned air flight and car travel.
    2) The purpose of an intelligence organization like the NSA is to acquire intelligence to paint a clear picture on national security for policy makers. Where should the line be drawn when deciding who to collect from, what to collect, and how to collect it? With the recent findings that US intelligence has been spying on allied leaders do you feel that these organizations were right and wrong in pursuing these actions?

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