Cultural issues with Different Generations –(Education)

    Cultural issues with Different Generations –(Education)
    In Leading Generation X: Do the Old Rules Apply? Rodriguez, Green, and Ree consider whether or not the perception of effective leadership differs between “Generation Xers” and the “baby boomers”.

    In the studies done by Behrstock, E., & Clifford, M. (2009) and Bernstein, L., Alexander, D., & Alexander, B.. (2008, December), they show the U.S. Generations with it characteristics. See Table 1 on p. 1 and Table 2 on p. 20 respectively.

    Next, as you read the studies, examine the table information closely (or from your own literature search) with the insights and findings presented by Rodriquez, Green, and Ree in Leading Generation X: Do the Old Rules Apply?

    Last, in 3-4 pages, present your discovery of the implications of Rodriguez, Green, and Ree’s 2003 study of these two groups (Baby boomers and Generation X) and lead to a discussion for the implication of the study done by Behrstock, E., & Clifford, M. (2009). The discussion should include the following:

    1) Identify and explain the authors’ studies including the author’s stated or implied purpose.

    2) Identify and analytically examine a problem that may be present with the generation Y teachers relative to their attributions in Table 1 on p. 1 of Behrstock & Clifford’s (2009) study and Table 2 on p. 20 in the study of Bernstein, et al. (2008). For the problem you mention, include specific information from the studies that provide evidence to justify your point of view in the problem statement.

    3) Based on the problem statement, provide a possible Research Question that you think warrant further investigation in the further research in the area.

    4) Conclude your paper explaining what strategies school leaders can incorporate in order to assist Generation Y teachers in addressing the problem.

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