Cultural Event Opportunities

    For the purposes of this class, a cultural event is defined as a visit to an ART museum or gallery or attendance at a play, a concert, or a poetry reading. If you would like to use an event that does not conform to these general categories, consult me prior to attending. Videos, movies at a movie theater, and sporting events are not applicable for this project.

    The goal of this project is to have you apply what you are learning about how to view and think about human creative expression. It is one way I have of assessing your learning. As such, it is not a pure research project, although research is required to support your thesis.

    Prior to attending an event, you must get my approval. After your event is approved, you will write a 4-5 page typed paper (double-spaced with one inch margins) that includes the following elements:

    1. A summary and description of the event/museum visit. The summary should be no more than one half to one full page of your paper.

    2. A demonstration that you see the connection between culture and product (three pages minimum). Show how aspects of the work reflect cultural ideas and attitudes of the time in which it was created or show how the work connects with contemporary ideas, values, and beliefs. Students who attend a symphony, a dance concert, or a museum must can not write about more than three pieces of music, dances, or art. In all cases, the paper must reflect on the inter-relationship between the art and the period from which it emerged. In other words, show how the art is a product of the culture in which it was created OR show why it continues to resonate with 21st century audiences.

    This section will also include the research you have done to support your ideas about cultural connections. Research may also offer additional information about your subject in terms of style or artist—however, you are cautioned not to rely too heavily on source material that offers standard critical commentary on a work of art.

    · Your research should include at least three academically sound sources. Bewares such sources as Wikipedia and Encarta.

    Research the work of art, not the artist’s life. Biographies will not be graded.

    Apply Modern Language Association rules for citation and documentation. This means I expect properly formatted parenthetical citations for paraphrased and quoted material and a complete Works Cited page.

    CAUTION! Critical analysis of an artistic style unrelated to the culture in which it was created or to our current culture will not fulfill the assignment. Artist biographies are not accepted as cultural event projects, so do not spend a great deal of time researching the artist. Use critical commentary and biographical information only if it is necessary to the development of your thesis.

    4. Your response to the aesthetic qualities and your evaluation of the event. Discuss why you feel as you do about your chosen event and its connection to culture. Please consult your text’s Preface for ways of discussing the arts (one page

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