Cultural Competence and Cultural Humility Assignment
Please answer each of the following questions and cite sources as needed.
This assignment is to be submitted in Blackboard
- Please review the following sections of the National Center for Cultural Competence then answer questions # 1-6):
Infusing Cultural and Linguistic Competence into Health Promotion Training – Video
Chapter 1: Introduction (2:32)
Chapter 2: Rationale for Cultural & Linguistic Competence (10:01)
Chapter 3: Framework for Cultural & Linguistic Competence (14:53) Part 1 & 2
Chapter 4: Applying Cultural & Linguistic Competence (6:21)
Chapter 5: Health Belief Model (22 min)
- Provide 2 different definitions of cultural competence (besides that which is stated in these videos) and cite sources. Then, define cultural competence in your own words. (10 points)
- Identify and describe the importance of 4 of the 6 rationales for cultural competence in primary care. Provide an example for each rationale that you select. (10 points)
- Define acculturation. How does it relate to cultural competence? (10 points)
- Define cultural blindness and provide an example either from your experience or someone else’s. (10 points)
- Describe the “Iceberg Concept of Culture.” (5 points)
- Explain the concepts of the Health Belief Model and give an example of how you might apply it to a patient care encounter. (15 points)
- Next review the following video on cultural humility and answer the questions listed below (# 7 – 11).
Cultural Humility (29 minutes):
- List and define the tenets the of cultural humility. (10 points)
- How would you define cultural humility? (5 points)
- How might cultural humility be applicable to your practice as an advanced practice registered nurse? (10 points)
- Compare and contrast cultural competence and cultural humility. (10 points)
- What struck you the most about the cultural humility video? (5 points)