Cultural Artifact Inquiry

    Cultural Artifact Inquiry
    In this second essay, you will choose a ?cultural food artifact? to write about. Remember: your interpretations and analyses matter most.

    This assignment asks you to again consider how food is political. I would like you to consider a food item, recipe, ingredient, or tool that you think has political implications. The political value of this artifact will be dependent upon culture and history, for this reason you will have to do academic research in order to help you explain the cultural and historical implications of this artifact.

    You will need to gather research from one print resource, and conduct one interview. Specifically,

    1. an academic source (from the library!); either a book, or a journal article
    2. a family member, perhaps a grandparent

    Critically reflecting upon the ways that food and politics interact in your own culture, or in another culture can function as an important step in self-reflection, and by extension academic inquiry. You can draw upon your own experiences and/or those of your family, or home culture if this helps you explain your thesis.

    In order to help you (and your readers) learn from your knowledge(s) you need to carefully consider the ways that your chosen cultural artifact functions socially and historically. Remember: you will need to offer moments of in-depth analysis and interpretation. It is important to remember that the artifact you chose to write about has significance to you, so you will need to spend time explaining (a) why you chose this artifact, and (b) how it is important to you. In other words, you will not just be writing about what something is, you will be analyzing and interpreting what ?it? is, which will serve to illustrate this artifact?s significance to your readers.

    While this essay is about a food artifact, a second goal is to consider the roles culture(s) play in terms of this artifact. You may choose to consider the culture of your family, the culture of a larger heritage/ethnic group, and/or the culture of people(s) who have no apparent ties to this artifact, etc. Like your previous essay, there is a learning aspect to this assignment. Specifically, you should attempt to consider how your chosen artifact affects not only your life, but also others. In other words, what are the larger cultural implications?


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