critiquing a research article

    critiquing a research article
    Population & Sampling
    ? Is the target population carefully described?
    ? Are sample selection procedures clearly defined? Means how the participants are
    ? Does the sampling method fit the research design?
    ? Is the sample sufficiently large and appropriate for the research design?
    ? Did the author identify the response rate?
    Data Collection
    ? Does the author describe the instruments used for data collection?
    ? Has rationale been given for the selection of instruments?
    ? Are instruments congruent with the research question?
    ? Have procedures for testing the reliability and validity of instruments been described?
    Data presentation
    ? Does the author clearly describe the findings of the study
    ? Is the statistical result presented clearly both in the text as well as in numerical
    presentation? Are graphic displays clear, simple, and accurate?
    ? Are results of data analysis clearly explained in reference to research questions,
    hypothesis and theoretical framework?
    ? Are the research design and the study questions fit with the analysis methods used?
    Discussion (Conclusions and Recommendations)
    ? Have the authors discussed their findings in relation to other previous research studies
    ? Have the authors identified the limitation of their study?
    ? What recommendations for nursing practice?
    ? Have the author mentioned the needs for future research studies? if not what future
    research would you recommend based on your understanding about the article
    ? briefly state how could this research be used in practice
    Protection of Human Rights
    ? Is there evidence of an independent ethics review by ethical or a research committee? ? Has the study been designed to minimize risk and maximize benefits to participants? ? Is there an indication that participants gave voluntary, informed consent?
    ? Is there evidence in the study that individuals can be identified?




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