Critique on the Anxiety cure by dr Archibald Hart

    Critique on the Anxiety cure by dr Archibald Hart

    The following represents an additive template for grading. Instead of beginning with 100 and losing points for errors, you begin with a 0 and earn points for your work in determining your grade. Each Theory Critique (TC) will be evaluated on the following four foundational elements.

    1. Concise Summary of the Content Value: 50 Points
    • Demonstrates a solid understanding of the material presented
    • Adequately synthesizes the whole of the text in a concise manner
    • Presents an organized interaction that specifically addresses the assignment with clarity and coherency

    2. Evaluation of the Strengths and Weaknesses Value: 25 Points
    • Provides clear, insightful, rich interaction with subject matter
    • Integrates material from the course lectures and assigned reading
    • Demonstrates critical thinking in the analysis and critique of the material

    3. Personal Reflection and Application Value: 15 Points
    • Personal example(s) offered which sufficiently relate to the content of the text
    • Clear connections are made between the life episode and the reading
    • Conclusions drawn reveal thoughtful summarization and personal application


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