Critique about cloud computing

    I’d like to ask the writer “Critique about cloud computing”. The writer needs to choose sources from
    -Case Studies – reports from business, teaching cases
    – Research – journal articles, systematic reviews, or other pieces of academic literature
    – Media – news reports, feature articles

    **note from the
    “If we cannot locate the resource you reviewed using the reference you provide, your assignment
    cannot be marked. (THE LECTURE AND TUTOR ARE CHECKING)
    Also the article should be recent (>2012).”
    Above notes are from the lecturer.

    1. Your critique should follow the format outlined on the following pages
    2. Your critique is to be no longer than two pages, including your reference list
    3. You should include your name, student number, and an APA formatted reference of the resource
    you are critiquing at the start of the first page
    4. You should use at least four other references in your critique that provide support to your
    arguments, and/or contrasting or supportive comparisons
    5. Your critique is to be submitted as a Microsoft Word file (.docx), and professionally formatted

    **The writer needs to choose one source and needs to use at least four other references in your critique that provide support to your
    arguments, and/or contrasting or supportive comparisons.

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