Critically review and discuss the concept of the Equity Premium puzzle, and empirical approaches to explain this phenomenon.

    Critically review and discuss the concept of the Equity Premium puzzle, and empirical approaches to explain this phenomenon.
    As a starting point, please read the following article-you will find it useful:

    Siegel, J.J & Thaler R.H. (1997): “Anomalies: The Equity Premium puzzle”, Journal of Economic Perspectives, 11, 191-200.


    Word Limit:

    3,500 words. There is no lower limit however students may not exceed 10% of the stated word limit.

    Assessment Criteria:

    In addition to the criteria outlined above and in the Programme Handbook, The following points may also help you to produce a good piece of work:

    • You must address the question asked and not try to re-define, or ‘twist it round’, to allow you to write about something else. ‘Not answering the question’ will result in a significant loss of marks.

    • Your essay must be properly referenced:
    o only sources referred to specifically in the text of your answer should be included in the bibliography;
    o all sources (including those for any numeric examples used) should be acknowledged;
    o there should be no references in your answer to sources which are not in your bibliography BUT if you have not consulted the reference directly yourself you should indicate in the text of your answer the secondary source from which it comes. It is this secondary source which should be in your bibliography.

    • Listing a reference in the bibliography does not make it acceptable to copy sections of the book into your answer. You must summarise the points in your own words. Plagiarism is regarded as a most serious instance of academic misconduct and is dealt with accordingly.

    • Being asked to discuss something is not the same as being asked to list things. A discussion will consider alternative points of view and your own thinking and evaluation should be apparent in the discussion of the topic.

    • It is expected that you will consult academic and professional journals as well as textbooks. Many textbooks cover much the same information and you are only duplicating this when you consult numerous different textbooks. Textbooks tend not to have very up to date content and journal sources are vital for this.



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