Critically evaluate the effectiveness of criminal profiling using empirical evidence Custom Essay

    Outlines the key issues and purpose of the essay. Grade depends on how clearly and succinctly the argument is outlined.
    Relevance and understanding
    All information in your essay should be relevant to the topic. It should be clear that you have understood the key elements of the topic in question.
    Discussion and Critique
    You should include a clear discussion often where two or more opposing approaches, theories or pieces of evidence are evaluated. You should include a critique supported by citations.
    You should draw the threads of your argument together here and link back to what you said you would do in the Introduction. By the end of the discussion you will have answered the question posed in the essay title. ADVICE You are required to use the research literature to support or refute an argument or point of view (thesis) in line with the essay titles. Make sure that your argument/thesis is consistent with the essay title. Do not answer an essay question which you think should have been included or which you would have liked to see! You should:  understand what the question is asking  outline your thesis and the scope and purpose of the essay  provide an overview of key concepts  critically evaluate evidence for and against the thesis  consider the strengths and weaknesses of the evidence (including credibility and methodology)  focus on the structure – introduction, body, conclusion – and the flow.

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