Critically discuss the significance of the Snowden leaks

    What does the information revealed via the Snowden leaks tells us about the nature of contemporary intelligence collection.

    how important the revelation?

    what happened as a result of the leaks?

    Has government passed legislation to make these things legal?

    Exposed demographic deficit?

    -public discussion and law and how they kept in pace


    Edward Snowden-traitor or hero??

    Also. on this essay i have to include these 3 sources : 

    Intelligence in an insecure world-Peter Gill, Mark Phythian 2018

    No place to hide: Edward Snowden, the NSA and the surveillance state: Glenn Greenwald 2015

    A special forum/: Implications of the Snowden leaks (Loch K. Johnson, Richard J. Aldrich, Christopher Moran, David M. Barrett 02/11/2014) 

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