You are a senior marketing consultant working for ‘Global Marketing Solutions plc.’ Your chosen global brand( SAMSUNG) has commissioned you to produce a report that answers the following questions
1. Critically analyse the extent that your chosen brand’s marketing mix is standardised and/or adapted across international markets. Conclude by providing a 2-3 paragraph summary that discusses whether you consider this to be an
appropriate strategy. Remember to support your answer.
Product – Student analyses standardisation and adaptation in relation to a number of product related issues e.g.
branding, design, usage, and positioning ; Price – Evidence of analysis based on standardisation and adaptation in terms
of pricing strategy(s) ; Place – Ability to analyse distribution, including channels, POS, and market entry in terms of
standardisation and adaptation ; Promotion – Student analyses adaptation and standardisation in relation to advertising;
PR and other marketing communications tools.
2-3 paragraph summary that discusses whether their chosen brand has adopted an appropriate strategy(s); Evidence of a
range of theories and case studies to support answer
2. Discuss which Internationalisation Process Theory (IPT) ‘best’ describes the internationalisation process that your
chosen global brand has undertaken. Again, remember to support your answer.
Review of main IP theories, Discussion which ‘best’ applies’. This may include Born Global, Uppsala, stages etc,
analysis of advantages and disadvantages, Answer is well supported