critical writing on video sciences of the sexes

    These papers must be typed, double spaced, and at least 750 words for each. You MUST include in the paper an accurate noting of the word count, or points will be lost. The reaction paper must include the following areas, which are outlined below. Each section must be numbered as shown below. Please use 12 pt font only. Points will be deducted for not
    including all the required elements. I do not want a summary of the video, and points will be deducted if this is what you do. These assignments are designed as critical thinking exercises.

    Section #1. Identify two or three main points of the videos in your own words. You will need to take notes during the videos in order to do this effectively. Points will be taken off if you just summarize the video. You need to number your points as well. There should only be one sentence for each point.
    Section #2. Discuss whether you agree or disagree with these main points. In doing so, discuss why you take this position and provide reasons why. You need to provide specific examples from the video, not just state you agree with everything or disagree with everything. All the main points discussed in section #1 need to be addressed in this section as well. You need to number your points as well.
    Section #3. Discuss what impact the information imparted in these videos might have on the field of sociology and its study of people. How are they relevant, for example?

    I will be grading the papers based on the thoroughness of the discussion and the effectiveness of your argument in agreement or disagreement with the information presented. Points will be deducted for not following the required format — at least 10 points off for not having the three sections or generally following the format, points for not including a word count or meeting the required word count. Ten points will be deducted for not placing your papers in On the day the papers are due, there will be class discussion of them, providing we have time.

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