critical thinking question selected using Machiavelli’s The Prince

    Write a four to five page paper answering the critical thinking question selected using Machiavelli’s The Prince, the textbook, class materials and outside resources.
    Since the Framers wrote the U.S. Constitution, modern democratic governments have put power in the hands of elected legislatures (congresses or parliaments) and executives (Presidents and Prime Ministers), rather than centrally locate the power of the state in the executive or a prince, exclusively. In a well-written essay, argue whether the power of the government should lie in the hands of a single executive or be divided between an executive and legislature. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each type of governing structure? Be sure to address why Machiavelli believes a strong Prince (a single executive) is the best form of government and why he would argue that power distributed among many individuals is problematic, using specific examples from The Prince. Also, using examples from Power and Choice and other resources, explain why modern democracies put much of the power in the hands of their legislatures?

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