critical thinking 45

    Read Chapter 12 – How to detect media bias and propaganda in national and world news.
    Find a current event related to a social issue of your choosing (no older than a few months) that was widely covered by the media. Access this link for additional help and click on Module 5 Assignment.
    Sources and Citation: In addition to the two news articles find and cite two scholarly sources to back up the claims and conclusions of your analyses. Feel free to use the readings from the course. The CSU-Global Library is another good place to find your sources. Remember to include all sources used including the newspaper articles in an APA-formatted reference page.
    Your paper including citations and references should be 4-5 pages in length well written and formatted according to theCSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements.
    Review the grading rubric for this assignment which can be accessed in the Module 5 folder to understand exactly how you will be graded. Reach out to your instructor if you have questions about the assignment.

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