Critical Response Essays

    Paper instructions:
    Critical Response Essays:

    You are expected to write two critical response essays throughout the summer session. The critical response essays are a critique of the assigned readings. After

    briefly summarizing, suggest improvements to the reading(s). Discuss if you think there is something missing from the reading’s research, if the question* is or is not

    interesting, if the reading provides sufficient answers to a question you have or how you think the reading could be expanded, enhanced or revisited.

    The majority of your response needs to focus on how to fix the problem(s) or critique(s) you raise. A summary of the reading is to be short, 1-2 paragraphs. How

    do you suggest improving the article(s) or book you are writing about? Identifying a problem or something you think is not a complete argument is important, but

    more important is suggesting how to fix the problem.

    *: How do Tilly’s (1998) WUNC principles fit into collective action and/or relative deprivation? Which one of the WUNC principles do you think is most

    important for fighting the state?

    In “The Use of Repression as a Response to Domestic Dissent” (2010), Sabine C. Carey is not concerned with what types of violence are included under the

    state’s monopoly, but instead questions “under what forms of domestic dissent are governments most likely to initiate repression?” (167). Carey defines state terror

    “as widespread killings and torture of civilians” (170). Her definition of state terror is rather narrow. Are there other forms of state repression that are missing from

    her definition? If so, waht are they? How would missing components fit into her argument about the state’s rationalization of the use of repression and how would it

    fit into Lichbach’s (1987) inverted U-shape curve from last week?

    Taydas & Peksen (2012) describe how states can attempt to buy peace with the distribution of social spending. How does this impact the opposition’s or rebel’s

    recruitment efforts? How does this impact collective action (in terms of public goods, private goods and selective incentives)? Be sure to reflect the assigned

    readings in your answer/opinion.

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