Critical Reflection on Inclusive Education

    Critical Reflection on Inclusive Education

    Order Description
    1. Cologon, K. (2014). ‘Not just being accepted, but embraced’: family perspectives on inclusion. In K. Cologon (Ed). Inclusive education in the early years: Right from the start (pp. 91-¬-114). South Melbourne: Oxford University Press.
    2. Pearson, E., Mohamad, H., & Zainal, Z. (2014). Cultural and linguistic diversity in the early years: implications for inclusion and inclusive practice. In K. Cologon (Ed). Inclusive education in the early years: Right from the start (pp. 115 -¬-132). South Melbourne: Oxford University Press.
    3. ECH333 Lecture Week 4
    Please do not use any other references than the 3 provided.

    Reflect on your response to Karen and Ian’s family story and to the family stories in the readings for this week.
    • What are the implications for you as a person, and as an early years professional?
    • How do these families’ stories impact on your understanding of disability and inclusion?
    • What is one thing you have learnt from the lecture and readings to put into practice yourself?

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