Critical race theory

    Critical race theory

    Order Description
    You are required to write two papers during the quarter. Your response/refection papers should take an issue or topic from the assigned reading and develop your own thoughts into a coherent, well-considered paper. These papers are not intended to be research papers, but instead should by seen as an opportunity to interrogate the readings, challenge their assumptions, and to practice critical thinking skills. I call it a “response paper” and a “reflection paper” because I would like you to include both critical analysis of the topic as well as some of your own thoughts or “reflections.” In other words, be self-reflective about what you are reading. How does it fit into what you were already thinking? How does it challenge your previously held beliefs? We will talk more
    about this on the first day of class.

    These papers must be limited to two pages, double-spaced, stapled and must be handed in at the beginning of the designated class. Please use 12pt Times New Roman (or a comparable font) and include page numbers and a descriptive title. You should use at least four relevant quotes from our readings in your paper, using MLA citation format. I do not accept papers that are not stapled, and late papers will not be accepted for any reason.

    Delgado, Richard ” Critical Race Theory ” this is book need to read

    The paper contains a clearly-articulated, arguable claim

    2 pts

    The paper is logically structured, with a descriptive title, introduction, conclusion, and supporting arguments

    2 pts

    Sources are used appropriately to support author’s claims

    2 pts

    Sources are cited correctly (MLA style) in the body of the paper and the paper is free from grammar and spelling errors

    2 pts

    This paper clearly touches on the themes of the course and draws the bulk of its evidence from class readings

    2 pts

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