Critical Appraisal Report (CAR) for business stimulation

    complete this report by filling the detail as much as possible as a Critical Appraisal Report as the example in final report? Besides, you will need to go to website that I will provide you username and password to see the result how my group is doing in business stimulation due to it will need to explain why we do and what the result. I will upload the example file for you but my report you need to write according to what we invest in the business stimulation website. Inside that website there will be a lot of other group of student are playing it due to they need to do this kind of report as well. I got the instruction for deciding what to invest or what to put the money to, For this week, it was the fifth week (Round 5 in the website) to play. Here is the detail of the website:
    usename: [email protected]
    password: siroch911
    This is week in business stimulation website told me about Market Condition:Demand
    Turmoil around exploding handsets has settled. Investigations concluded that there was no explosion on the plane, but someone had placed an opened durian fruit in the cockpit and both the captain and the co-pilot lost their consciousness due to the smell of the fruit. Contrary to handsets, demand is exploding for the coming round: growth rates of 15% in Europe, 20% in the USA, and over 40% in Asia are expected.
    The Chinese-US predicament escalates. The USA sees an increase of tariffs to 15$ per handset as a way to further weaken the Chinese economy. China retaliates by matching the US tariff. Production costs are expected to fall in the US by 5% and to remain level in Asia. Last period some of your sourcing companies went out of business due to heavy price competition in an industry that is already operating on thin margins. Therefore, outsourcing capacity has fallen by 15% and as a result outsourcing costs are up close to 10%.
    The RMB continues to devalue compared to the USD, Euro strengthens. Interest rates are unchanged in the USA, and Europe, but up a quarter in Asia.
    This week I will need to do the Critical Appraisal Report about Finance and Budgeting so you will need to mention about this in the reflection report form which I will upload it for you. Besides, you will need to see detail about the results of round 5. You will need to give a good presentation as in Example file named `Final Report? and need to explain in detail.
    This is the instruction of this work:

    This forms part of your final report and it details your review of your team?s activities and results over the eight rounds. It has a maximum word limit of 2000 words.
    Your group performance review should be written using the format below.
    1. Introduction

    2. Overview of group activity and result
    -group overview
    -group activity
    3. Discussion
    a. Qualitative review
    i. Teamwork
    ii. Commitment
    iii. Coherence
    iv. Leadership
    v. Impact of i-iv on team performance
    b. Quantitative review
    i. Decisions (key quantitative decisions in relation to objective.
    ii. Financial performance (Share Holder Return and Profit After Tax)
    iii. Interpretation of selected financial performance parameter
    iv. Contributory factors to ii and iii above

    4. Conclusion

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