Criminological Theory

    Criminological Theory

    Using your knowledge of crime statistics and crime theory:

    a. describe the current ‘crime picture’ on ONE of the following levels: your county/parish, your state, OR in the United States altogether. You may choose to focus on one major crime (e.g., homicide) or crime type (e.g., violent, property, white collar, cyber crime) – which ever you pick, just be thorough. Be sure to be as explicit as you can given any data sources available to you (official statistics, self-report data, police intelligence, et cetera)),
    b. compare your findings above in (a) to previous years.
    c. apply a criminological theory (just one!) to describe why this particular crime problem exists to the extent that it does,
    d. according to the theory in (c), explain the changes in the pattern of the crime from previous years compared to today

    Remember, document the problem using quality resources (e.g., official statistics via governmental websites, academic research into crime problems of your area, et cetera) and cite your references regarding theory and change over time. Make sure to address EACH of the four components above to the best of your ability.

    Question 2: Media Relations

    Experts contend that the media have evolved into the dominant social institution in our society. Media studies are important to understand how the media shape perception, attitudes, and behaviors, as well as understanding the implications of the media in our work. Construct essays to address the following points regarding the media and media studies:

    a. How do the media influence both macro (structural level) and micro (individual level) behavior?
    b. How is the theoretical perspective social constructionism applied in researching and understanding how the media work?
    c. Explicitly describe a particular occasion in which the media focused on one event (or string of related events) and helped to shape social policy in the US.
    d. Did the policy or policies developed in (c) improve or worsen the problem being addressed? Did it both improve AND worsen the problem?

    Again, make sure you address each component above to the best of your ability.

    Question 3: Budget Analysis

    Please compare and contrast line item budgeting and performance based budgeting. Your discussion should include the benefits of each method of budgeting as well as the shortfalls, please give specific examples. Additionally, please discuss the difference between the operating portion of a budget and the capital section. Cite specific examples of what types of items are included in the two different sections of an organization’s budget. (Address ALL of these components!)
    Question 4: Assessing Organizational Performance

    The terrorist attacks of September 11th, 2001 exposed fundamental problems with federal bureaucracy. However, bureaucratic change is quite difficult and slow. Discuss the process of bureaucratic change, begin with the first steps and then thoroughly explicate the challenges in bureaucratic reform.
    Question 5: Multi-class question

    Please consider the question below in the context of ideas you have learned in your relevant core classes.

    Your task is to watch the movie Contagion (available on Blackboard), and analyze the characters and activities in the story in the context to the theories and concepts learned in your courses throughout the term to the movie. Now, I know this sounds vague. This is deliberate and part of the assignment! I want you to have the intellectual freedom to write about what ‘speaks’ to you most in what we’ve learned; however, in addition to what-ever else you include you must include, at a bare minimum, analysis in the context of Kettl and O’Hara’ work discussed in 704 and Crank’s ideas and other relevant elements from 706.

    It is part of the challenge to select materials that fit the assignment. For example, in reference to Kettle you might want to look at some combination of bureaucracy, federalism, why organizations often fail to coordinate- clearly this overlaps, but is not identical to O’Hara.

    You may compare the public health disaster that happened in contagion to a recent disaster event (Katrina, September 11th, earthquake in Japan, and so on). If you choose to do something comparative, you must bring in additional sources about the disaster against which you are comparing contagion OR you may use any of the case studies used in any of your MSCJA classes – you have creative license on this. Just make sure your reader understands the connections you are drawing. And of course cite them properly both in-text and in your references list.



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