Criminal laws, procedures, and norms are constantly changing

    Criminal laws, procedures, and norms are constantly changing

    Criminal laws, procedures, and norms are constantly changing, at different rates, within different nation states, and as a consequence of political, cultural, and technological transformations. New criminalizations and criminal law enforcement initiatives are constantly emerging. what new criminalization/initiative do you expect for the future? Why? This research paper is designed to get the reader thinking about international issues in crime control. Please use the listed topic as the reserach topic.

    In the present world where change is completely inevitable, the society is quickly changing from the tradition methods of resource management towards electronically controlled work environments. This is mainly because, in the advent of computers, it is impossible for capitalists to remain attached to the crude methods of production as those of the 18th and 19 Century (Dworkin, 2005). The computer, for example, is now being used to control almost all processes in a manufacturing or assembly plants. The old people on the other hand are finding it increasingly hard to adjust to the fast changing technological environment. This kind of environment is very unhealthy, an environment prone to all kinds of social evils. This enables new types of crimes to set come up.
    Employers, on the other hand, are increasingly switching to newer methods of data entry into payrolls (Garner, 1987). When a person or an employee checks in to the company premises in the morning through the main gate or door, he or she uses his/her fingerprint to report to the system This fingerprint is captured by an electronic machine known as a scanner which then enters the time of entry directly to the payroll for processing of payment. Technology on the other hand has manufactured three dimensional (3D) printers which are capable of printing 3D objects (Chee, 2003). This will enable people print 3D fingerprints which they can use to cheat their employers that they reported in good time whereas it is a fellow employee who used the 3D printed fingerprint to cheat the system (Easton, 2008). This is a crime in the making because the same method can be used to gain access to high security zones like airport sections and even army barracks.

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