Criminal justice system: The body of American law is constantly changing Custom Essay

    Criminal justice system
    1. The body of American law is constantly changing. What do you believe is an illustrative current example of how laws are changing to reflect new societal norms? Consider whether the example you choose is a reflection of the majority of the population, or a vocal minority.

    2. The idea of stare decisis, which is rooted in common law, is one of the key concepts for our current legal system. What do you believe are the pros and cons of this concept of precedent
    3. People today often try to avoid being put on a jury. How do modern complaints about jury service compare to the risks of being on a jury during the Middle Ages?

    4. What is the structure of your state’s courts? What is the reasoning for their arrangement in that way?
    5. Prosecutors are typically an elected official. How can a prosecutor use his or her conviction record to help gain re-election? Is the information an exact picture of the cases handled by the prosecutor?
    6. What do you believe is the most challenging aspect of the prosecutor’s role? Please explain.

    7. Consider the concept of trial by a jury of peers. What does this idea mean to you? Is this concept still realistic in today s society?

    8. What do you believe is the most challenging aspect of the judge s role? Please explain.

    9. What is your opinion of providing bail to those suspects who are a flight risk or who possess a probability of committing harm against another? Should the judges who release such suspects be held liable for the suspect’s actions while out on bail?

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