criminal justice ethics policy/ program

    criminal justice ethics policy/ program

    Research Paper
    For the paper you are to plan a criminal justice ethics policy and program in total for a municipal law enforcement agency consisting of 250 sworn officers and 100 civilian personnel. You are to design this program from development to implementation.

    The paper should be split into two key parts:

    Part A: Introduction, Background, and full referenced support for each entity/section that will comprise the ethics policy to come in Part B. Hence if you ethics policy in Part B is going to include items such as officers cannot use a cruiser for their own benefit when off duty, then you have to support that as part of the lit review in Part A. Again, Part A of this paper will set the stage and explain and support all that will make up your ethics policy in Part B. Part B doesn’t support, i.e., it is your finished ethics policy.

    Pls keep in mind that Part A will comprise roughly 70-75% of the entire paper (i.e., on or about 14-15 pages total; counting the title page, table of contents, abstract, and 1 reference page; the reference page will come after Part B).

    Part B: Your actual Ethics Policy (roughly 3-4 pages would be expected). Part B is to be a section in the paper itself, i.e., it will have a heading, just as certain sections in Part A will have their own headings, e.g., Introduction, etc.

    Pls know you can Google example ethics policies and in turn you will see a wide variety of examples. There is no set format for Part B.

    Please remember this is a research paper and you must document your facts utilizing standard APA style. Again, the paper is to be in APA format only. The paper is to be between 18 and 20 double spaced pages, with at least 9 primary sources. This paper must include the title page, abstract, and 1 reference page. This is to be of high quality, free of spelling and grammatical errors, and of original work. Plagiarism will be dealt with harshly.
    The paper will be based on the following areas:




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